Stigmatized Homes, Bargain Homes

A Look at Some Famous Stigmatized Homes on the Market


Posted on October 5, 2016

Updated on March 4, 2024

In today’s steeply priced housing market, bargain homes are a rarity. However, if you aren’t bothered by superstition and bad juju, then a stigmatized sale property might offer the cost savings you’re looking for.

Randell Bell (of Bell, Anderson Saunders), known as the “Master of Disaster”, specializes in appraising stigmatized properties. He states that a buyer can expect a 15% to 20% diminution in value for two to three years after the incident. Considering that home ownership is harder to attain than ever – in fact, the RBC reports that home affordability is only getting worse – a discount of this sort can be significant.

Here are a few of the more notable stigmatized properties recently on the market; Serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer’s childhood home was recently up for sale in Ohio. It is described as being situated on a private wooded lot in a wealthy neighbourhood near Akron. The three-bedroom home was priced at $295,000.

Read more: The Amanda Knox murder house, located in Italy, was put on the market with an initial asking price of $630,000 however; the price was slashed by over $100,000 for a quick sale. Perhaps not surprisingly, the realtors responsible for selling the property had been trying to keep the house’s tragic history a secret from prospective buyers as it has been very difficult to sell. Oscar Pistorius, the South African paralympian accused of killing his girlfriend, put his house up for sale to pay for legal bills. The house was valued upwards of $480,000 and a buyer has reportedly been found.
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