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464 South 18th Street

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Does 464 South 18th Street have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 464 South 18th Street, St. Helens, OR, US, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 464 South 18th Street in 2006

My parents were actually the ones who first moved into this house when it was built in 2006. They had a hand in picking and designing the interior as well. Truth be told, we ended up moving a year or so later due to my parents pending separation and the weird occurrences we all had here. I remember always feeling really scared to be left alone in the house, as it always had an off vibe about it. I would come out of the master bedroom and see weird figures out of the corner of my eye, especially when I would pass the hallway bathroom. I would also have very vivid dreams and nightmares here, where I was either flying around or falling victim to something. The biggest occurrence would have to be when I was sick with a cold in my room and had just laid down to go to bed. This was just down the hall from the hallway bathroom and right next to the master bedroom (parents room). I remember watching tv in the dark, all cuddled up under the blankets. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep. I’m not sure how much time had passed since I fell asleep, but I was suddenly violently awaken by my bed literally shaking, leading me to fall on the floor wrapped in my blankets. I got up and ran into my parents room and vaulted myself into their bed. When I eventually calmed down, we all creeped back into my bedroom and found that my mattress had been completely thrown around off the bed and turned over on it’s side. Mind you, I was 8 years old at the time. My dad fixed the mattress and we all went back to my parents room to sleep, unsure what to think of the episode. We tried to write it off as me just being jumpy from the medicine I took for my cold. That is, until the next morning. We woke up the next day hoping it all to be a dream, only to discover that the mattress had shifted off the bed frame again after we had already fixed it back up the night before. After that, my mother and I were super creeped out and couldn’t look at the house the same way again. My dad was still unconvinced, of course, being the ‘macho’ man he thought he was. We also came to discover that my room was the one with access to a crawl space that led to the under part of our house. After that, my mom asked a Priest (or spiritual person, unsure of which) to come to the house and take a look. Surprisingly, he said that he didn’t find anything of note in there, but decided to bless the house for us anyway. We ended up moving out that same year and have not looked back. Since moving out, I have heard rumors of children that have died on the property all along that road decades before, but cannot confirm their validity. All I know is that if there was something haunting the land, then it probably wasn’t too happy that we built a property there. I know that it was foreclosed at one point in time as well.


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